已分不清是活在网上还是活在真实世界的艺术家(还是其实是政治家?)艾未未,继早前透过互联网隔空为 Duddell’s 策展后,随即又在网上发表其新作。而今次,艾神将会带你上月球。
作品 Moon (http://www.moonmoonmoonmoon.com) 由艾未未与北欧艺术家兼设计师 Olafur Eliasson 合力创作。Moon 为一社交网络艺术,用家可以在「月球」上选一块地方,随意涂画,也可以看其他人的作品。艺术家写道:
“Celebrate with us the gathering of creative powers from around the globe to mark the passage from nothing to something and from thinking into doing. Savor this moment of transformation. Leave your fingerprint and see the shared moon grow as others reach out too.